Full ROM Horizontal Pushup

Full ROM Horizontal Pushup

In the voiceover tutorial I share most of the technical details you’ll need to know about this exercise, along with some bonus info on scapulohumeral rhythm and one very important mechanical difference between pushups and bench pressing.

This is an excellent supplement to handstand push-up work, as it targets different muscles. Whereas the HSPU is heavy on the anterior deltoids, this is more pec-focused. Though anterior delts and triceps are still involved in both. The additional freedom of the scaps to move in and out of protraction will bring additional benefit to the protractors of the scapula like serratus anterior.

The reason I use parallettes spaced apart here is to give my torso enough space to sink low enough so my shoulders can access a full range of motion. This is crucial because usually the floor prevents this. Even most machines for horizontal pressing don’t really allow a full range to be expressed in the shoulder.

What qualifies as “full” range will differ from person to person. I recommend starting conservatively in this regard, perhaps going just a little bit deeper than you would for a normal chest-to-floor pushup. Then gradually increase the depth over the course of weeks if there’s no pain or excessive soreness. If you you’re not accustomed to pushing like this and you go too deep too quickly in the early workouts, it might result in pain or excessive soreness the following days.

Start conservatively also in terms of volume. Especially if you control the eccentric, these can be deceptively difficult. Don’t push these to failure in your first workouts. Instead keep at least a couple of reps in reserve for every set and start with three or fewer total sets. Eventually you can increase to 3, 4, or even 5 sets. But because it’s a bodyweight exercise and the number of reps per set is typically high, there’s not really much need to go over 4 sets.

In terms of the deficit for the torso, you don’t need parallettes. You can use any two objects high enough to let you drop your torso to the depth you want. That could be stacks of heavy books, two chairs, yoga blocks, gymnastics rings (rings will be more challenging), the skulls of your [former] haters, etc.

I really mean it on keeping the ROM and volume conservative to start. I know the temptation to go all in on a new exercise. But feel it out first and see how it will effect you.