OAC Program

The One Arm Chin Up (OAC) is one of the best measures of strength. It also happens to be one of the best mediums for development of pure pulling strength. If you train this movement properly, you tend to improve in many others -- like weighted pull/chin-up, muscle-up, front lever -- even without any direct work. As a benchmark in a strength practice, I think it deserves to be ranked very high. I developed this three-month program through years of training, coaching, and refining one arm chin up protocols. I did so with three things in mind.

  1. Efficacy: does the work actually produce results?

  2. Sustainability: can the work be done for a long time while minimizing the probability of burnout and injury?

  3. Efficiency: is the time and effort spent on the work truly spent in the best place?

The template programs span three months, with two mesocycles of 6 weeks, and are offered at 3 levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced -- for lack of better terms.

These programs includes clear and concise video tutorials on technique, regressions, and progressions for every exercise. You'll also get a guidebook that walks you through how to integrate this program into the rest of your existing training, training mindset, how to adjust and progressively overload the program, deload phases, testing phases, and recovery.

Beginner $250 US

Two training sessions per week,
90-120 minutes per session.

Beginners can perform 8-15 strict chinups, but cannot control a slow eccentric OAC.

Intermediate $250 US

Two training sessions per week,
90-120 minutes per session.

Intermediates can perform 15-20 strict chinups and can control at least one rep slow eccentric OAC on both arms.

Advanced $250 US

Two training sessions per week,
90-120 minutes per session.

Advanced athletes can perform one rep of OAC on both arms and are aiming for multiple consecutive reps.