Banded Overhead Triceps Extensions

Banded Overhead Triceps Extensions

As a supplement to handstand push-ups, this is a great way to isolate the strength of the triceps. If you’re experiencing difficult in the top half of the HSPU range, or trouble completing the elbow extension to lock out the handstand, it could be due to strength deficiency in the triceps. Building triceps strength is also a good way to mitigate the risk of elbow pain that can result from intense bent-arm pushing and pulling strength work.

A recap of technical cues:

  1. Keep the torso in one position. Avoid leaning and/or rotating.

  2. Keep the elbow fixed in space. Avoid turning dropping the elbow down on the eccentric or moving it forward on the concentric.

  3. Choose the appropriate band thickness that allows you to hit 10 reps comfortably without compromising technique.