Q & A Prompt + Updates/Announcements

Hey everyone,

Consider this the official prompt for the question and answer post that will be coming up. This is exclusive to you members. It’s your chance to ask any pressing question you’ve been holding onto. When we’ve accumulated enough responses, I’ll make another talking video addressing them in the best way I can. So, let’s go. Ask your question in the comments. Try to stick to one. I can’t guarantee I’ll have enough knowledge or insight to answer them all, but all topics are fair play; nothing is off limits.

Second: a little update. For those of you who had initially signed up for just one section of the members site, you will now have access to both sections for no extra charge. Consider this a perk for being the first members to join. So feel free to go explore the content on the other half of the site now available to you.

Third: while we’re compiling questions, I’ll be working on a big post on squat technique—a multi-pronged approach for how to use eccentrics + video recording to study your inefficiencies, imbalances, and weaknesses. The principles in this post will not only apply to squats, but also to most strength movement. So you can look forward to that coming within the week.

Appreciate all of you, and looking forward to hear what questions you’ll ask.
